2021-10-08 14:15
Ytrade Group AB (publ) (”Bolaget” eller ”Yaytrade”) har ingått avtal med Aim Apparel AB (”AIM’N”) avseende...
2021-10-05 09:31
Ytrade Group AB (publ) ("Yaytrade" or the "Company") enters into an agreement with Ingrid, a delivery platform. The agreement means...
2021-10-05 09:30
Ytrade Group AB (publ) (”Yaytrade” eller ”Bolaget”) ingår avtal med transportörsplattformen Ingrid. Avtalet innebär...
2021-09-28 10:31
Ytrade Group AB (publ) ("Yaytrade" or the "Company") has entered into separate agreements with fashion brands Schnayderman’s...
2021-09-28 10:30
Ytrade Group AB (publ) (”Yaytrade” eller ”Bolaget”) har i september ingått separata avtal med modevarumärkena Schnayderman’s...
2021-09-20 08:16
In September, Ytrade Group AB (publ) ("Yaytrade" or the "Company") entered into separate extended agreements with Filippa K, Sail Racing...
2021-09-20 08:15
Ytrade Group AB (publ) (”Yaytrade” eller ”Bolaget”) har i september ingått separat förlängda avtal med Filippa...
2021-09-16 09:27
Ytrade Group AB (publ) ("Yaytrade" or the "Company") has entered into a collaboration agreement with actress Alicia Agneson, who broke...
2021-09-16 09:27
Ytrade Group AB (publ) (”Yaytrade” eller ”Bolaget”) har ingått ett samarbetsavtal med skådespelerskan Alicia Agneson...
2021-08-27 12:13
Ytrade Group AB (publ) ("the Company") has entered into an agreement with the brands Neuw Denim, Abrand Jeans, and Rolla's Jeans ("ThreeByOne")...