Press & News


Regulatory MAR
2021-11-11 17:36
Ytrade Group AB (publ) (”Bolaget” eller ”Yaytrade”) har idag ingått avtal med IWA Garments AB (”Hope”) avseende...

Regulatory MAR
2021-11-11 17:36
Ytrade Group AB (publ) ("the Company" or "Yaytrade") has today entered into an agreement with IWA Garments AB ("Hope") regarding...

2021-11-08 14:16
Ytrade Group AB (publ) ("Yaytrade" or the "Company") has entered into an agreement with Limitato AB ("Limitato") in November...

2021-11-08 14:15
Ytrade Group AB (publ) (”Yaytrade” eller ”Bolaget”) har i november ingått avtal med modevarumärket Limitato AB (”Limitato”)...

2021-10-29 10:01
Ytrade Group AB (publ) ("Yaytrade" or the "Company") has entered into agreements with Airinum AB ("Airinum") and Spektrumare...

2021-10-21 13:01
Ytrade Group AB (publ) ("the Company" or "Yaytrade") has entered into an agreement with Röhnisch Sportswear AB ("Röhnisch")...

2021-10-21 13:00
Ytrade Group AB (publ) (”Bolaget” eller ”Yaytrade”) har ingått avtal med Röhnisch Sportswear AB (”Röhnisch”)...

2021-10-12 16:01
Ytrade Group AB (publ) ("Yaytrade") is one of the top 99 tech companies qualifying for the list of Sweden's hottest scale-ups. With a high...

2021-10-12 16:00
Ytrade Group AB (publ) (”Yaytrade”) är ett av de 99 främsta techbolagen som kvalificerat sig på listan över Sveriges hetaste...

2021-10-08 14:16
Ytrade Group AB (publ) ("the Company" or "Yaytrade") has entered into an agreement with Aim Apparel AB ("AIM'N") for...